Price Conditioning with Choices
We are pleased to announce the acclaimed JUMP START® HVAC Fundamentals Training is moving to a Learning Management System (LMS) platform, making the training both self-paced and more accessible.
We are pleased to announce the acclaimed JUMP START® HVAC Fundamentals Training is moving to a Learning Management System (LMS) platform, making the training both self-paced and more accessible.
You deserve to feel great about your sales success in 2018…congratulations. You and everyone in your company worked hard and deserve the rewards you received. Now it’s time to reload…and do it again!
It’s been impossible for any IAQ product to provide complete protection for your customer’s health… and their HVAC system’s performance… Until now! I’m sure you believe the manufacturer’s claims for the products you are selling. You wouldn’t be selling them otherwise, right? I’m not suggesting these claims aren’t true, but I am suggesting that there’s a lot more to the IAQ story – a whole lot more.
In January of this year I announced the residential SecureAire Platinum Dealer Direct Program. If you missed this, I encourage you to take 5 minutes and read about the product and how it works.
How often have you heard “Your price was higher.” as the reason why you didn’t get the job? An experienced sales coordinator recently told me that the customer gives that as their reason for choosing someone else over 90% of the time. So, what can you do about that? Here are three answers.
You deserve to feel great about your sales success in 2018…congratulations. You and everyone in your company worked hard and deserve the rewards you received. Now it’s time to reload…and do it again!
While catching up on current commercials it has been quickly apparent that the big-ticket advertising has become increasingly targeted toward the younger guys who don’t shave and women who buy Land Rovers. Surely this demographic group is spending money and I hope they keep it up. They are a rapidly growing economic force and there is no doubt these hard working, independence loving, smart people will run the Baby Boomers’ world at some point… but not quite yet.