You deserve to feel great about your sales success in 2018…congratulations. You and everyone in your company worked hard and deserve the rewards you received. Now it’s time to reload…and do it again!
No one can foretell what 2019 has in store for us but it’s likely that the economy will slow down a bit, including new construction, and consumer spending will become a little tighter for a number of reasons. Whatever happens, it will be what it will be, and you will want to anticipate any market changes and take steps to insure your company will continue to grow.
When things are going well, as they have for the last couple of years, it’s easy to get a little “forgetful” about certain things that are important to do. As a reminder, these are the top 5 things to make sure you/your company/your comfort advisors are doing well to ensure that every sales opportunity is given the attention it deserves:
#5: Follow up
Every customer who contacts you is going to buy something from someone. Please don’t assume that “I need some time to decide.” is a “No.” When you asked at least twice, set an agreement for follow up and stick to it. Some people will not buy on the first call ever, but will buy from you if you follow up appropriately.
#4: Sell to the customers style
People look at things differently and learning to sell to them the way they want to buy is a valuable sales and communication skill. I use the DiSC system and for 30 years that has proven to be a highly-effective resource.
#3: Offer solution choices
Over 10 years ago, Energy Star published the landmark study proving that people’s buying decisions are significantly influenced by offering choices and what the price points of those choices are. Further, offering “solutions”, not just equipment, is an effective way to differentiate yourself from others, giving you the inside track to making the sale.
#2: Financing
It seems like we are starting to figure this out as I see more and more contractors not just mentioning financing but offering it on all of their proposal choices. Let’s take a page from other retail industries and offer financing first, like this: 1. Lowest Monthly, 2. Total Investment, 3. 0% __ Months, 4. Visa/MC.
#1: Ask for the sale
Zig Zigler once said, “Salesmen who don’t ask for the sale have skinny kids.” Need I say more? Use any of the choice closing techniques, such as, “Which of these choices would be best for you and your family?”
Create a terrific 2019, beginning with a commitment to ensuring these 5 steps are part of every sales opportunity.