I’m doing a lot of ride-along coaching with some well-trained and experienced sales pros. The calls typically go well: showing up on time, good appearance, nice meet and greet, asking questions (hmmm…sometimes not using the written survey though…), taking measurements and then asking to sit at the kitchen table to prepare some choices for the customers to consider.
As a rule, creating the proposal is a hurried exercise and less professional than it should be. Very often, the salesman gets “cold feet” and shows only what he feels he can sell, or he doesn’t want to take the time to put together a detailed proposal.
Owners, what would it mean to you and your business if you could know for sure that your sales pro is offering the top-of-the line products 100% of the time and at least letting your valued customers know what is available? You know the answer, you would sell more jobs, at higher prices, at better margins and you would have happier customers. How can you get this done?
In order for you to insure this happens you must have some control over the proposal process and result.
- An easy first step is to create pre-printed and pre-priced packages. Some companies do this and it works.
- A similar idea is to create pre-printed packages without pricing and the salesman can use a “retail price book” to just add up and total the investment amount, including financing choices, at the kitchen table.
- The ultimate solution is to have either software or cloudware that is accessed at the kitchen table that includes “defaults” to the proposal choices you want the salesman to show. These are automatically priced, financing, included, professional looking and without doubt make the most professional presentation and impression.
I’ll gladly send you some proven proposal templates to use. Just email me at [email protected]. If the cloudware choice is something you’d like to consider visit TrustPROOnline.com.
These days it’s harder than ever to make a one-call-close. You will maximize your results with a professional proposal. Make a commitment to create a compelling, professional proposal today.
Good Selling!