The best sales lead is from a current customer. Repeat business turns a customer into a client without any added marketing expense. Studies have indicated that the value of an HVAC client over their lifetime can be $30,000 or more (and that’s just considering HVAC without any weatherization upgrades).
One key to obtaining repeat business is having a service agreement with the homeowner. What we tend to forget is that the greatest service provided in the service agreement is not the tune-up — it’s the enhancements and upgrades we can provide that increase the homeowner’s comfort, health and peace of mind while decreasing their utility costs and energy consumption. If your business is going to thrive, it is imperative that you employ and train service techs who know how to educate the homeowner and offer them choices for home performance improvements.
Training and managing them to sell service agreements the first step. Equipping them to offer home performance upgrades (and providing the right upgrades) completes the picture. In upcoming articles we’ll explore each of these steps in a bit more detail.
Good Selling!
Tom Piscitelli