Jump Start!
Online HVAC Application Training for NEW Comfort AdvisorsWhat is it?
Jump Start! is a two-week online application training program for Comfort Advisors that combines daily online training sessions, self-study, field exercise homework, and individual coaching and support.
Who is it for?
Jump Start! is perfect for HVAC (and non-HVAC) NEW Comfort Advisors, as well as any Comfort Advisor seeking to better understand the technical details of the HVAC industry. Jump Start is also perfect for CSR’s, Dispatchers and Sales Coordinators who would benefit from HVAC application fundamentals.
Jump Start! Mission
To provide essential technical training and skills that the new comfort advisor will need to make an in-home sales call including needs and problem identification, recommended solutions to identify problems, and gather the information needed to prepare a professional proposal and the installation team.
- Learn the features and benefits of today’s HVAC equipment and accessories
- Learn how to properly size, select and recommend new home comfort systems using appropriate engineering guidelines
- Learn how the house is a “system”
- Understand how to integrate the gathering of information into the T.R.U.S.T.® In-Home Sales Process
Getting Started
- There will be an initial phone consultation with Mark Sims to establish goals and objectives and create individual training plans.
- The training plan will be a combination of self-study, online product and design training and testing, and the introduction T.R.U.S.T.® In-Home Sales Call process.
- The sales manager will be involved in making sure the plan is followed and provide ongoing direction and support for the participant.
After completing this training, graduates will have the ability to run a sales lead and complete it in one call. Customers will be comfortable and confident with them and their discovery approach. They will be able to identify the existing system and know what is required to create a proper proposal including sizing, equipment types, enhancements, and system deficiency corrections.
Is Jump Start! right for me?
This is a 2-week training program that includes daily 2-hour online training webinars led by Mark Sims. There are understanding and retention quizzes following each of the individual training modules. There is homework each day and the owner/sales manager will be responsible to verify that the homework was properly completed. Individual coaching by Mark or Colin Sims is available any time upon request.
Mark Sims online HVAC fundamentals training and support is included, and all worksheets from the training will be provided in electronic form for the participant’s unlimited personal use.
Program Investment
- To encourage owners and sales managers to share in the experience and learn for themselves how to create and coach their sales team, they may attend to observe at no additional fee.
Signup for Jump Start!
Please fill out the form below to get in touch with us about participating in a Jump Start! program. We will contact you to get all the rest of the details we need, talk about scheduling, review pricing, etc.
* = Required