Do you believe that, in part at least, you create what you believe? I am pretty sure your Mother read you the story, The Little Engine That Could. It’s on YouTube if you’d like a refresher on how attitude can create success.
The emotional challenge of being a career sales person is perhaps the reason so few choose sales and fewer still stay in it. The thrill of the sale is quickly forgotten when the “no’s” start happening. After a few in a row it’s common for someone to start looking for excuses.
Keeping a positive, confident attitude is essential to sustained sales success. Here are the most common negative, success-killing, comments I hear from sales people who are in a slump:
1. The competition is cheaper for the same thing.
2. Customers aren’t buying right now.
3. I’m not getting good leads.
4. My goals aren’t realistic.
5. Customers want another brand of equipment.
6. I don’t need to follow a sales process.
7. I don’t need to practice my presentation.
Each of these says that you are not accepting accountability for your results. There is something you can do about each of these attitudes and those who do determine their own success.
Want to start by creating a sales process that will separate you from all others? Check this out: