I believe that with all time-tested sayings and quotes one must conclude there is reason and truth at their core. They were likely created to address a specific situation or context but their relevance often casts a broader net over much more. So it is, I think, with “Ask and Ye Shall Receive”; we can take instruction from it to help us feel more confident about one of a professional sales persons most important responsibilities…asking for the sale.
I’ll share my favorite CHOICE® closing question but first let me establish that any close, no matter how clever or cute it may seem, will be relatively ineffective unless the sales person is comfortable and confident in their role. Have poor self-image as a sales person…and your customers will sense it. Lack confidence in your company or products…and your customers will be able to tell.
Learn what your installers do to make their work better than average. Develop pride in what your company does every day to deliver great customer service. See yourself as someone who delivers great value in consulting and advising your clients on how their needs and wants can be addressed. And then, with that pride and confidence, say:
“Well, folks, this system is the best solution, the one that does the best job in addressing everything you want. If this looks good to you then there are several ways you can invest in it. They are the Monthly Investment, the Total Investment, 12 Months Same As Cash and of course Visa or MasterCard. Which of these investments might be best for you?”
Ask…when you have earned the right to…and you will receive!
*Bible, King James, Matthew 21:22